About Us
We are industry professionals working
and writing about this business for over 40 years.
Andrew C. DeGraw
Andrew C. DeGraw is the business manager for The Surplus Line Reporter newspapers, where he has worked since 1992. He is a past president of the Casualty and Surety Association of Greater New Orleans.
He is a co-recipient of the 2009 Outstanding Service award presented by the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of Louisiana. DeGraw holds a bachelor’s degree in business administration and MBA, both from the University of New Orleans. Active in his community, DeGraw is the treasurer of the Barkley Estates Community Association, a position he has held for several years.
Shirley D. Bowler
Shirley D. Bowler holds a bachelor’s degree in English Education from the University of New Orleans. She is active in the Baton Rouge community through the local Altrusa International club and through service to St. Agnes Church.

Carol J. DeGraw Harris
Carol J. DeGraw Harris is the editor of The Surplus Line Reporter newspapers. She has been with the publications since 1985. During that time, DeGraw Harris obtained the CPCU and ASLI designations. She is a past president of the Deep South Chapter of the CPCU Society and the New Orleans Insurance Institute board of directors. She is a co-recipient of the 2009 Outstanding Service award presented by the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of Louisiana.
Previously, DeGraw Harris was coordinator of marketing for the Metropolitan College at the University of New Orleans and earlier was editor of the Westbank Guide, a community newspaper. DeGraw Harris holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of South Alabama (Mobile) and an MBA from The University of New Orleans. Active in her community, for several years she was recording secretary for the Terrytown Civic Association and treasurer for the Cypress Park Condominium Association.
Len Wilkins
Len Wilkins is the London Market Correspondent for both the Texas Surplus Line Reporter and the Surplus Line Reporter. Wilkins has spent his working life in the London insurance market, first as an account manager and a placing broker, and then later transferring to underwriting where he worked for two major Lloyd’s syndicates. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Insurance Institute and was awarded the Insurance Institute of London’s Distinguished Service Medal.
Wilkins has acted as a consultant for Lloyd’s syndicates and governments in North America and Europe. He has lectured on training courses for Lloyd’s managing agents and brokers and has been a regular lecturer for the Insurance Institute of London. Wilkins has written a number of textbooks on London Market underwriting and on reinsurance subjects. He has been an honorary visiting lecturer for the University of Manchester’s Institute of Science and Technology where he was also the institute’s chief examiner for insurance and reinsurance.
Wilkins is active in his local community where he is secretary of the village social club. Previously, he was elected as a local District Councillor, and he sits on the local Parish Council.
“We provide up to date Surplus Line and Insurance News for industry professionals who care to be informed.”