Resuming the in-person Jim Millerman Convention, the Independent Insurance Agents of Dallas also resumed its annual awards program, recognizing members for their service to IIAD and their excellent professional insurance services.

Lisa Steele, Higginbotham Insurance, was honored as the 2021 Volunteer of the Year. Her service to IIAD has not been limited to just this past year, said Drew Brown, TexCap and past president of IIAD. Steele has been a reliable, loyal and easy going volunteer for many years in a variety of tasks essential to hosting events. Steele is a commercial marketing executive at Higginbotham, where she has worked for 17 years.

CSR/Account Manager of the Year honors were conferred on Lindsey Lyons, One Agency. Lyons was a driving force in launching One Agency’s new website. She was recognized at the convention for her eagerness in new projects at the agency while handling one of the largest commercial books of the agency. Lyons is also a regular volunteer for IIAD’s many activities. Bill Jackson, Texas Mutual, presented the award.

Sarah Flores, CPCU, Travelers, was recognized for her dedication, knowledge and professionalism as she was named IIAD’s 2021 Underwriter of the Year. Her nomination recapped her responsiveness, ability to understand risks and her ability to personalize any situation. Flores has worked for Travelers for 14 years. Adam Sammons, Marsh McLennan and IIAD president, presented the award.
IIAD also presented $10,000 scholarship awards to two students enrolled as risk management and insurance majors at the University of Texas at Dallas, Bethany Boese and Caitlynn Forbes. This is the second year IIAD provided these scholarships to support undergraduate students in the Naveen Jindal School of Management at UT Dallas. Funds for this annual scholarship program are raised through IIAD’s annual Clay Shoot, with the next one slated for April 5.
The awards were presented on Nov. 4 at IIAD’s 34th annual Jim Millerman Convention held at the Irving Convention Center. The convention featured a full day of professional development, including a two-hour CE-credit class on ethics and a trade show. More than 400 attended the event.
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